Site: Existing multi-parcel tract (up to 10 acres) in Pittsburgh’s East End. The site occupies a large block bordered by residential, commercial and light industrial districts adjacent to transit corridor. Existing structures on the site include 3 and 5 story turn of the century warehouse and office buildings.

Program: Includes a mix of uses with retail, office & housing. The predominant use is housing with work live lofts and townhouses, both affordable and market rate as well as senior independent living. Development includes adaptive reuse of existing buildings. Up to 80 units are new construction.

Concept: Build an inter-generational, advanced sustainably designed and operating community around progressive businesses and non-profit organizations that are in the district.

Features: The project intends to be a first for the Mid Aatlantic Region with regard to sustainability through an approach that includes landscape urbanism, infrastructure integrated design systems design and positive impact materials. The project will be zero emissions through passive & active solar design strategies along with a central power and heating plant. On site storm water management through rain barrels, rain gardens and bio-retention and green roofs. Urban community farming as part of an eco-urban district strategy with existing businesses and non-profits.